"Couples" is a series created between January 2021 and May 2022, rooted in the personal experience of my relationship with my then-wife, who left for China in January 2020. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was unable to return, and this prolonged separation became a catalyst for the work. This series explores themes of relationships, companionship, and love, driven by the complex dynamics of distance, communication, and the emotional implications of absence.
The work specifically reflects the trajectory of my marriage and the intergenerational conflicts that shaped it. Both my ex-wife and I grew up in families with divorced parents, a shared history that influenced how we navigated our relationship and external connections. Through the use of digital interfaces, such as FaceTime call screens—which became our primary mode of communication during our separation—I create images that represent the emotional landscape of our relationship. These visuals incorporate symbols and patterns that evoke themes of absence, disconnection, and the fragile yet persistent effort to maintain a bond despite physical and emotional distance.
Ultimately, the series explores universal experiences in relationships: the complexities of love, loss, and the enduring impact of human connection. It reflects the broader reality that relationships—whether enduring or ephemeral—shape one’s life, influencing identity, growth, and emotional development.